September 2021 Power BI Update - Paginated Reports with NetSuite Data

September 28, 2021

The Several Use Cases of Paginated Reports with your NetSuite ERP data.

Paginated reports in Power BI are perfect for when you need to export or print a report. Sometimes, the way the reports are laid out in Power BI they don't lend themselves to nicely export in a printable page format, especially if they span multiple pages. We'll show you how to work around that with PBI's Paginated Reports feature.

In this video, we showcase the Several Use Cases of Paginated Reports with your NetSuite ERP data.

Power BI Paginated reports are useful for many scenarios, including:

  1. Exporting reports to PDF in a pixel perfect way that allows for all data to be visible in the exported PDF.
  2. Exporting data to Excel so that the Excel document more closely resembles the look and feel of the report as it is shown in a web browser.
  3. Distributing reports via email so that users do not have to visit to view reports.

To use Power BI Paginated Reports, you’ll need a Power BI Premium or Premium Per User license.

You can read more about Power BI Paginated Reports here: What are paginated reports in Power BI Premium? - Power BI

If you’re interested in building your own Power BI Paginated Reports, Microsoft has a free course to get you started that includes 25 video lessons: Power BI Paginated Reports in a Day course - Power BI