Connect Stripe to NetSuite with ZonePayments


2 min read

It’s imperative for an organization to be able to easily collect cash from their customers. After all, cash is king. In today’s business landscape, offering your end customers an eas- to-use, online payment portal can help your company receive the money its owed on a quicker timeline. The second part of this equation is making the reconciliation process easy on your finance and accounting teams. 

If you’re using NetSuite with Stripe as your payment gateway, ZonePayments will allow you to achieve both of these objectives. 

Get up and running quickly with turnkey integration 

ZonePayments will allow you to collect payments directly inside of NetSuite. Our advanced technology uses an API Key to connect your existing stripe account to NetSuite in minutes. Eliminate hours of custom, complex integration work and uncertainty. 

Seamlessly collect payments: 

With ZonePayments, you’ll be able to meet the demands of your customers with our online payment portal. With a few clicks, you can brand this payment portal with your own logo, color scheme and brand elements. Our payment portal offers a centralized place for your customers to view open invoices and outstanding credits. They can easily make payment against a single invoice, multiple invoices, or can even enroll in auto-pay. This alone eliminates hours of ad-hoc questions regarding invoices and allows for more end-user visibility.

Automatic bank reconciliation: 

Now comes the daunting task for your accounting team to reconcile these payments to the invoice with the associated service or credit card fees. It’s nearly impossible to reconcile when the service or credit card fees are lumped together, which is standard NetSuite functionality. ZonePayments is able to break out fees at the transaction level. This reconciliation process works with Stripe by generating a payout report, which ZonePayments then interprets and automatically creates deposits directly in NetSuite without any manual intervention needed.

If you’re using Stripe, we can sync any default payment methods to ZonePayments. With this seamless implementation process, you’re up and running in no time with ZonePayments. 

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