ZonePayroll for Australia
Payroll: Native to NetSuite, local to you
Don’t stress, ZonePayroll makes compliance with Australian legislation easy. Be it an ATO initiative or state-specific legislation, we support and maintain a huge number of Australian intricacies. If you already have NetSuite or are considering it, experience the cloud at its best by having your Payroll system always up-to-date and compliant. There’s no need to worry about changes to:
PAYG tax tables, thresholds and calculations for all variations including HELP, SSL, TSL, Medicare Levy, Seniors, Foreigners and Holiday Makers
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Employment Termination Payments (ETP) including preservation age, unused leave payment and redundancy payments
Superannuation including thresholds and a full list of available super of funds
Long Service Leave (LSL)
Child support and Protected Earnings Amount (PEA)
Payroll Tax calculation and reporting
National and State-based Public Holidays

Single Touch Payroll
Single Touch Payroll (STP) has brought about huge change in the way Australian companies do and report their payroll. Since the 2018-2019 financial year, all organizations with 20 or more employees are required to report via STP – hundreds of our customers made the jump with no disruption to their payroll and little change to their processes. Since 2019, all employers have to report and the ATO will penalize non-compliance. So what are you waiting for? With no additional integrations necessary, further automate your payroll and take full advantage of:
Employee data validation for new hires
Automatic reporting (onboarding) of new hires
Compliance efficiencies including activity statements
A streamlined end-of-year with options for no Payment Summaries and PSAR
Customizable and streamlined reporting
The beauty of our cloud application architecture is that STP is available to everyone at no additional cost, so even if you pay less than 20 employees as mandated by the ATO, your organization can choose to reap the benefits and report via STP using ZonePayroll and the NetSuite platform now.
Feel secure with the backing of a Certified SuperStream Gateway Operator and Gold Certified SuperStream Clearing House Provider. ZonePayroll is tightly integrated with ClickSuper, a leader for SuperStream compliance. The SuperStream Data and Payment Standard came into effect in 2014 as part of the Australian Federal government’s response to the Super System Review. ZonePayroll and ClickSuper were at the forefront of SuperStream adoption and now have a long-standing relationship that has brought tighter integration and huge cost savings to our customers.
Calculation of employer and employee super contributions are completed during the pay run process and the instructions for distribution of that super via a remittance to ClickSuper is also created directly from your same account. This translates to a single source of data, no duplication, and overall a more streamlined process to save you time and money.

Payment Summaries
If you’ve already made the jump to STP then there may not be a requirement to issue Payment Summaries to your employees. If you haven’t, or you still call them Group Certificates, then it makes no difference to us. ZonePayroll provides a simple stage based process for generating and distributing Payment Summaries. Once distributed you can finalize everything and lodge to the ATO with just a few clicks. Made a mistake? Not a problem with built-in support for creating amended Payment Summaries and PSAR (EMPDUPE) files.
Australian Batch Payments
ZonePayroll provides built in support for APCA Direct Entry Format (ABA File) allowing you to make EFT payments to your employees quickly and easily via your internet banking. All the data for payment has been generated directly from your pay run. ZonePayroll works seamlessly with the big four banks (and more).